Climate Crisis Autumn 2021

Climate Crisis Autumn 2021
Why am I writing a blog on a wine shop website about climate change and sustainability? Perhaps I am mixing business with my personal opinions too much? “Normally” I might agree; but these are not normal times, we face an unprecedented calamity and we all need to act together if we are to prevent it. I hope you will forgive me for using my business platform to help sound the alarm.
I am writing this in late October 2021. We are a few days away from the critical COP meeting that is being held in Glasgow and the UK government has just announced a dismal attempt at a strategy to get the UK to net zero.
I say dismal and I mean it. There was some good news about heat pumps, but this will only help the well off and the really shocking thing was how much was missing from the plan. Nothing on any of the following; reduction in how much people fly, encouraging people to eat less meat, retrofitting properties with insulation, reduction of consumption in general, no serious plan to reduce plastic use and no serious plan to re-wild the countryside.
The trouble is we need to do all of these things at the same time and as fast as possible if we are to beat the loudly ticking climate clock. This is absolutely not a time for slow paced, incremental solutions. The only way we can beat this is to work together and in the most radical way we can imagine. We need a WW2 style mobilisation and we need it now.
What can you and I do today to make a difference? We can all, of course, do our bit by buying less, flying less, eating less meat and, if we are lucky enough to be able to afford to, changing the way we heat our homes. But we absolutely need government action to win this fight. Therefore by far, the most important thing you can do is to campaign.
You can campaign by writing, yet again, to your MP, joining Fridays for Future, getting involved with Extinction Rebellion or one of the many protest groups. But we all really do need to step up. Time is short and there is so much that needs to be done. Imagine how much better this would feel if we were all pulling together with a clear plan. We need action and we need it now.
And a last minute update... Sunak has just announced a reduction in air passenger duty in his budget. What is the matter with these people?