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Stock Clearance

These are wines we are selling at a discount to make space for new stock.  Nothing wrong with any of them, just nice to keep things fresh, so this is a great chance to get some lovely wine for an amazing 20% off.  While stocks last of course!

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Fuenteseca Maccabeo Sauvignon


Bottega Vinai Pinot Nero


Vignes dEglise Vermentino


Selvapiana Chianti Rufina


La Cavea Merlot Pinot Nero


Montetondo Soave Classico


Bischofliche DOM Riesling Dry


Gaba do Xil Godello


Circle of Life Red


Chant Cigale Chateauneuf


Ananto Organic Rose


Henners Brut


Caspyn Summer Cup


Mongeard Mugneret HCDN La Croix


Marchesi di Gresy Chardonnay


Akashi-Tai Junmai Daiginjo Genshu


Fontodi Flaccianello


Ca NEstruc XarelLo


Pieropan Soave La Rocca


Chateau de Cerons Coucher de Soleil


Sandeman Quinta de Seixo Vintage 2013


Rhum Towt Greyhound


Berto Bitter 1l


Berto Aperetivo 1l


Mt Horrocks Watervale Riesling


Clementi China Antico Elixir


Don Fulano Fuerte


Romate Very Old PX


Tapatio Tequila Excelencia


Sambuca Classica


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