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What's your favourite wine?

One question I am often asked is “what is your favourite wine”. That should be an easy one, and I do have a favourite. Currently, it is a Vino Nobile di Montepulciano from Valdipiatta 2007 made by the lovely Miriam Caporali.

But why that particular wine? The wine is certainly delicious; it is technically excellent, nice acidity, balance, length and all those things. But really I like it because I like Miriam and I first tasted it on a sunny Italian Autumn day when they were picking the grapes at Miriam’s winery. I tasted it after being shown around the vineyards, with a fantastic simple lunch and listened to Miriam explain how she had made the wine.

It was a great experience and a great wine, but it’s the person, the place and the memories that make it “a favourite”. I think this is why wine is endlessly fascinating; not for all the technical trainspotting details but for the people, places and moments it goes with.

But the really special thing, the absolute clincher for me, is that the wine can take you back. You know how a certain smell reminds you of a place or time? For me the petrol and dust smell of a garage takes me straight back to being nine years old and standing next to my grandfather’s car. Well I think it’s the same with wine. Every time I open a bottle of Valdippiata now I’m reminded of my day in Tuscany. How good is that?

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New Decade, New Start For Scarlet Wines

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